
文章来源:向日葵儿童 作者:向日葵儿童 责任编辑:admin 时间:2019-05-28

向日葵志愿者 | 子荷 培煌
排版 | 文艳
校对 | 何飞 陈臻宇



  第58期,我们有幸邀请到SJD巴塞罗那儿童医院肿瘤和血液科Jaume Mora医生,为我们解答关于“儿童神经母细胞瘤、实体瘤诊疗”方面的问题。

  Jaume Mora Graupera,SJD巴塞罗那儿童医院肿瘤和血液科科研主任、肿瘤发育实验室主任、巴塞罗那生物医学研究所肿瘤项目成员。



Dr. Mora: Bone and bone marrow refractory disease is quite common after induction treatment (chemotherapy and surgery). Unfortunately, the outcome for patients with primary refractory disease has not changed with conventional strategies like high-dose chemotherapy and autologous transplant. Only anti-GD2 immunotherapy has changed the overall survival of patients with primary bone and bone marrow refractory disease. Fortunately, anti-GD2 antibodies work better in the bone/BM environment therefore this is the site where antibodies are most active against neuroblastoma. I would not recommend to delay anti-GD2 immunotherapy for patients with primary refractory disease in the B/BM after standard induction treatment.  




Dr.Mora: High-dose chemotherapy and autologous transplantation (ABMT) has shown to increase the event-free survival (EFS) for patients with high-risk neuroblastoma, but not the overall survival (OS). What does this mean? It means that patients do relapse later and when they relapse, there was no salvage regimen after relapse, EFS was used to measure the impact of treatments in this disease. However, since we have shown that relapsed patients can effectively salvaged and even a 40% rate can be cured, EFS is no longer a valid measure for this disease.

  The potential cure for patients after relapse has changed radically the way this disease is approached. ABMT is no longer seen as the last chance for patients, even if there were not in complete remission. Also, active surveillance should be performed after initial treatment to pick-up relapses as soon as possible since they are amenable to rescue treatments. This radical change has occurred after anti-GD2 immunotherapy showed that OS can be improved. Antibodies anti-GD2 have increased the OS but not the EFS. It means that indeed the patients can relapse after initial treatment but they are not bound to die necessarily. Rescue treatments and second or further complete remissions are possible. Even cures are possible after relapse.

  In summary, consolidation of all high-risk NB patients should include radiotherapy and anti-GD2 immunotherapy. In our opinion, immunotherapy the sooner the better.


  在治疗初期,应该对患儿病情进行严密的监测,以便及早发现复发迹象来施行拯救方案。抗GD2免疫治疗可以提高总体生存期, 也就是说即便患儿经治疗后出现复发,采用拯救性治疗方案以及达到再次或多次的病情完全缓解,甚至于治愈都是有可能的。总体来说,对于高危组的神经母细胞瘤病人,巩固性治疗应该包括放疗和抗GD2的免疫性治疗。在我看来,免疫治疗越早进行越好。



Dr. Mora: (1) An appropriate extent of disease evaluation at diagnosis should include, always, 123I-MIBG, bone scan, whole body MRI or CT and bone marrow tests. I’m very aware that 123I-MIBG is not available in most parts of the world including China therefore it is very hard to rule out for certain other sites of disease at presentation. 123I-MIBG is the most sensitive and specific imaging test for neuroblastoma.

  (2) We do recommend to radiate all the primary tumors and bulky (>5cm) sites at diagnosis.

A:(1)全面的疾病诊断评估指标应该包括123I-MIBG (Meta-iodobenzylguanidine),间位碘代苄胍,去甲肾上腺素的功能类似物,作为放射性药物用于神经母细胞瘤的诊断,骨扫描,全身的MRI或者CT和骨髓检测。123I-MIBG是诊断神经母细胞瘤最敏感、最具有特异性的图像检测,但我知道目前世界上大部分地方包括中国是没有做123I-MIBG检查的,因此暂时无法确定其他部位是否有病灶存在。




Dr. Mora: (1) Locoregional neuroblastoma, well differentiated, that cause opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia (OMA) syndrome is a well-recognized entity. By definition, neuroblastic tumors that can generate such auto-immune responses are well differentiated and thus not aggressive. Usually we do not use chemotherapy for such cases. Only surgery is necessary. The oncological prognosis is excellent. The problem is the neurological damage that can ensue the OMA syndrome. The neurological prognosis is not so great and sometimes requires an aggressive management by neurologist. You should worry about neurological outcome not the generating capacity in the future.

  (2) Neuroblastoma is in the great majority of cases a non-hereditary disease. Familial neuroblastoma has been described in rare families around the world. The incidence in China is unknown to me. Usually it is linked to Phox2B and ALK germline mutations. The family history of the disease and the analysis of those mutations in the tumor can easily rule out the possibility of familial neuroblastoma.





Dr. Mora: 60% of all neuroblastic tumors have favorable biology, meaning they are cured on their own or with minimal therapy. Usually infants with locoregional tumors harbor favorable biology and thus are highly curable with minimal or no therapy. The history of the quiz case suggests favorable biology therefore it is likely cured. To be more certain and help with the management of these cases biological studies of the tumors should be established as the only way to be certain in the prognosis.




Dr. Mora: Bone and BM disease is the usual site of high-risk neuroblastoma to colonize. We call it metastasis but nobody is really certain that B/BM disease is in fact a metastatic site from a supposedly primary tumor (adrenal or other). The fact is that stage 4 neuroblastoma does not evolve from locoregional (stages 1-3) neuroblastoma in their evolution. Thus we should not consider stage 4 a bad progression from a previously less aggressive, and non-metastatic tumor. Lung involvement is rarely seen in neuroblastoma since the neuroblastic cell cannot survive easily in such highly enriched O2 environment.

  Anti-GD2 immunotherapy is especially active in the B/BM compartment as shown in the primary refractory cases that can be rescued with only antibodies as opposed to the soft tissue or CNS compartments.





Dr. Mora: Locoregional neuroblastoma, low-risk biology, should be managed with only surgery. We do not recommend cytotoxic therapy (chemo or radiation) for these cases. Favorable biology (MYCN non amplified, near-triploidy) neuroblastic tumors are cured on their own and do not need aggressive management. The most important is to identify them.




Dr. Mora: Bone metastases when actively progressing cause severe bone pain. This is the kind of pain that cannot be managed unless opioids are used. Bone and bone marrow disease is hard to cure with standard cytotoxic (chemo and radiation) treatment only. ABMT is chemotherapy, higher doses, but at the end cytotoxic therapy. ABMT has shown to increase EFS but not OS, meaning, it does not cure more patients, it delays relapses. The chances of cure with chemotherapy, surgery, radiation and ABMT is 30-50%. ON the other hand, the side effects of ABMT are huge including a limited bone marrow reserve for the entire live, which limit rescue treatments after relapse (and the relapse rates are higher than 50%).   




Dr. Mora: The most important piece of information for locoregional neuroblastoma is the biology of the tumor. Most likely it is a favorable biology tumor which does not need aggressive management since the tumor will not progress. We do not recommend to use cytotoxic therapy (chemo or radiation) for favorable biology neuroblastic tumors. 




Dr. Mora: See above comments. We do not recommend ABMT. For MYCN amplified neuroblastoma the most important aspect of management is to achieve complete remission with induction treatment (chemotherapy and surgery). If CR (complete remission) is achieved, these patients can be cured, otherwise MYCN amplified tumors are incurable. This is the key aspect of MCYN determination nowadays. Induction treatment is critical in such cases.

A:请参考上面一些问题的回答。对于您所描述的病情,我们并不推荐自体骨髓移植。对于有MYCN基因扩增的神经母细胞瘤,最重要的是能通过诱导性治疗(化疗和手术)达到完全缓解(CR, complete remission)。如果能达到完全缓解,这些患儿是可以被治愈的,否则是不可治愈的。这是目前评估MYCN基因状态的主要原因——在MYCN基因扩增的神经母细胞瘤患儿中,诱导性治疗十分关键。


Q:男孩,12岁,右侧小脑胶质瘤(WHO II),2018年8月初进行手术,术后行30期放疗,同步服用“替莫唑胺胶囊”42天,服用结束后停23天复查。服药总共6周期,每周期服用5天,停23天。请问术后要注意哪些方面?胶质瘤复发率高吗?

Dr. Mora: Low grade (grade II) glioma should be managed with surgery alone. Radiation should NOT be used in this case. Patients with low-grade glioma have an excellent outcome and what determines their future outcome is the secondary effects of radiation therapy. If completely resected the recurrence rate is very low but even if they recur, they can be managed locally quite easily. Chemotherapy should also be avoided if completely resected.



Q:女孩,7岁,疑似胶质瘤,1个月前出现头晕,核磁共振检查提示右额叶有一个1.6*1.7*17 cm的肿物,边界清晰,考虑是囊肿或节细胞胶质瘤。经增强核磁共振检查,提示可能为“节细胞胶质瘤”。就诊时孩子的左手肌力弱于右手,多数医生倾向于诊断“低级别胶质瘤”,并建议手术治疗;也有专家认为是囊肿 (2012年孩子从床上摔倒,后脑勺着地。曾出现抽搐呕吐症状,但当时CT显示脑部无异常),建议观察。目前没有做任何治疗,但每半年复查一次。请问(1)不进行开颅手术的情况下能否确定肿瘤是囊肿或者胶质瘤?(2)如果是胶质瘤,除了手术,还有其他办法吗?(3)如果必须手术,后续是否需要放疗或化疗?

Dr. Mora: Right frontal lobe focal lesion can be surgically excised with quite confidence. Most likely is a low-grade glioma that will not need any more treatment.




Dr. Mora: Seems like a radiation induced second tumor. Second High-grade glioma is an incurable disease unfortunately. What’s most important is to prevent such instances avoiding unnecessary radiotherapy for germinomas like in the first tumor. Now anything known is ineffective.




Dr. Mora: Congenital, infant neuroblastoma is most likely a biologically favorable tumor. If biology can be shown as favorable (MYCN non amplified, near triploid) we would not recommend cytotoxic therapy, only non-aggressive surgery.




Dr. Mora:(1)NSE and LDH are very in-specific and even less sensitive markers to monitor the disease. We no not recommend such markers. Favorable neuroblastoma should be managed with the least amount of cytotoxics as possible. (2)We would not recommend radiation. Monitoring with imaging should be enough.

 A:(1)神经元特异性烯醇化酶(NSE)和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH) 作为监测神经母细胞瘤的标记物是非常不特异性且敏感性不高的。对于肿瘤生物学特性好的神经母细胞瘤应尽量采用低细胞毒性的治疗方案。(2)我们不推荐放疗,通过影像学检查监测就足够了。


Q:女孩,  3岁8个月,2018年4月确诊“神经母细胞瘤四期高危型”,存在骨及骨髓转移。术前已化疗4次,2018年7月30日行手术,术后化疗3次后做MIBG检查,发现软组织存在进展,继续化疗4次至今。目前肿瘤有缩小,孩子身体状态和精神状态均较前有明显好转。请问(1)孩子应该尽快手术还是先放疗以便降低肿瘤细胞活性?(2)孩子这种情况是否能进行联合抗体hu3F8治疗?

Dr. Mora: Local control should always use surgery if possible and then radiation to consolidate. Anti-GD2 immunotherapy is less active in soft tissue compartment therefore it would be more adequate to first surgically remove the residual tumor, irradiate and eventually consolidate with immunotherapy.




Dr. Mora: Standard management of stage 4 neuroblastoma includes induction phase (chemotherapy and surgery) and consolidation phase (radiation and immunotherapy). Ideally, the tumor should get into complete remission after induction and then start consolidation. With such management if the patient gets into complete remission at once and receive appropriate consolidation (anti-GD2 immunotherapy and radiation) the chances of cure are higher than 65%.




Dr. Mora: We do not recommend ABMT if anti-GD2 immunotherapy can be administered. The ideal should be to get the tumor into complete remission (all tests negative) with induction treatment (chemotherapy and surgery) and then move on to consolidation (radiation and immunotherapy).




Dr. Mora: If the patient has bone disease (bone scan positive) this is not a stage 4S, is a stage 4, aggressive tumor. The bilateral involvement and the bone involvement suggests aggressive biology. It should be ruled out the MYCN status (likely to be amplified). If it is aggressive biology (MYCN amplified) stage 4 neuroblastoma, although infants have always better prognosis, the treatment should be very aggressive as well: chemotherapy as high risk, radical surgery (cannot keep any of the adrenal glands) and likely radiotherapy. Also needs to be monitored the central nervous system involvement since this children have high risk of metastasizing into the CNS.











